Saturday, February 10, 2007
volevo segnalarvi questo gruppo musicale "naturally 7" che sta facendo successo adesso in europa: cantano senza strumenti misicali, un pò come i nostri "neri per caso" ma questi hanno tutto un altro stile!!
se non ci credete provate a sentirvi "feel it" il loro ultimo brano!!
io faccio parte di un coro polifonico e quindi so cosa significa , capisco la difficoltà di cantare senza accompagnamento in un coro a più voci contemporaneamente!!!
ad ogni modo ecco qualche notizia!!!
They may have found a new way to make music, but they were never compelled to make up the music themselves. All seven have their preferences, styles, favourite songs--and they can interpret them all. Naturally Seven summon up soul, rap, rock and folk from their throats in harmonious balance; their repertoire consists half of their own compositions, half of cover versions. There are disco classics (Don't Stop The Music, Yarbrough & Peoples), Simon and Garfunkel hits (Bridge Over Troubled Water) and rock ballads (More Than Words, Extreme), while their own R&B numbers easily keep pace with any Neptunes production. (Just to remind you: Naturally Seven use neither instruments or samples for any of this!) The seven vocal giants have found a wonderful way to exploit the variety of their styles-- with a self-directed irony, they dramatize their competing musical interests as comedy.
When big bassist Marcus descends into the depths of Barry White's heartfelt groans, pocket-sized Dwight will come up to him, stop him moaning, then begin to sing himself --a whole octave lower. Whereupon Marcus dutifully airs his falsetto ... There are many such small and big moments in the stage shows of Naturally Seven, spicing their performances with thrills, wit and artistic whimsy. No CD and no video can remotely communicate this amazing entertainment like a live appearance can. Even so, there will be a new album out in the autumn, their second. If the first ("Non-Fiction") was still highly jazzful and musicologically composed, the second will offer a totally new quality of pop music, striking sparks as soon as you hear it, with an organic fizz to it that palpably distinguishes Naturally Seven from the manufactured polish of many R&B bands.
Naturally Seven's members all hail from the New York Metropolitan Area and have been friends and musical partners, in various combinations, for years. The group1⁄4s latest incarnation came together last year when Roger Thomas, Naturally Seven1⁄4s founder, arranger and musical director, added two new voices and began to build intricate seven-part harmonies around a fuller sound, artfully blending gospel, jazz, R&B, hip hop and even classical vocal genres. On selecting Naturally Seven's members, Thomas says, "They have to have a keen ear for complex harmonies, and be eager to experiment and create what doesn't already exist." The six other carefully melded voices are those of Dwight Stewart, Garfield Buckley, Rod Eldridge, Warren Thomas, Marcus Davis and, newest addition, Jamal Reed. Their faith-infused music reaches across denominations, striking common chords of human experience among religious and secular audiences alike. "Most moving is when people find an honesty and spirit in the music. When they are touched right there," Thomas reflects, tapping his chest. For Naturally Seven, the music and the message are inseparable. "We're all about hope. It's spirit, music and entertainment. We want to give you something you remember, that makes you smile and even do the right thing."
se non ci credete provate a sentirvi "feel it" il loro ultimo brano!!
io faccio parte di un coro polifonico e quindi so cosa significa , capisco la difficoltà di cantare senza accompagnamento in un coro a più voci contemporaneamente!!!
ad ogni modo ecco qualche notizia!!!
They may have found a new way to make music, but they were never compelled to make up the music themselves. All seven have their preferences, styles, favourite songs--and they can interpret them all. Naturally Seven summon up soul, rap, rock and folk from their throats in harmonious balance; their repertoire consists half of their own compositions, half of cover versions. There are disco classics (Don't Stop The Music, Yarbrough & Peoples), Simon and Garfunkel hits (Bridge Over Troubled Water) and rock ballads (More Than Words, Extreme), while their own R&B numbers easily keep pace with any Neptunes production. (Just to remind you: Naturally Seven use neither instruments or samples for any of this!) The seven vocal giants have found a wonderful way to exploit the variety of their styles-- with a self-directed irony, they dramatize their competing musical interests as comedy.
When big bassist Marcus descends into the depths of Barry White's heartfelt groans, pocket-sized Dwight will come up to him, stop him moaning, then begin to sing himself --a whole octave lower. Whereupon Marcus dutifully airs his falsetto ... There are many such small and big moments in the stage shows of Naturally Seven, spicing their performances with thrills, wit and artistic whimsy. No CD and no video can remotely communicate this amazing entertainment like a live appearance can. Even so, there will be a new album out in the autumn, their second. If the first ("Non-Fiction") was still highly jazzful and musicologically composed, the second will offer a totally new quality of pop music, striking sparks as soon as you hear it, with an organic fizz to it that palpably distinguishes Naturally Seven from the manufactured polish of many R&B bands.
Naturally Seven's members all hail from the New York Metropolitan Area and have been friends and musical partners, in various combinations, for years. The group1⁄4s latest incarnation came together last year when Roger Thomas, Naturally Seven1⁄4s founder, arranger and musical director, added two new voices and began to build intricate seven-part harmonies around a fuller sound, artfully blending gospel, jazz, R&B, hip hop and even classical vocal genres. On selecting Naturally Seven's members, Thomas says, "They have to have a keen ear for complex harmonies, and be eager to experiment and create what doesn't already exist." The six other carefully melded voices are those of Dwight Stewart, Garfield Buckley, Rod Eldridge, Warren Thomas, Marcus Davis and, newest addition, Jamal Reed. Their faith-infused music reaches across denominations, striking common chords of human experience among religious and secular audiences alike. "Most moving is when people find an honesty and spirit in the music. When they are touched right there," Thomas reflects, tapping his chest. For Naturally Seven, the music and the message are inseparable. "We're all about hope. It's spirit, music and entertainment. We want to give you something you remember, that makes you smile and even do the right thing."